Handy util when writing Python code that includes multiline strings: textwrap.dedent
Category: Tips
Another great tip from PyConUK. Need your Python tests to interact with the file system? Find using /tmp unsatisfactory, then why not mock file system files using pyfakefs.
Practical introduction to machine learning via Kaggle problems (Ezzeri Esa)
You can follow along the machine learning tutorial yourself using materials Ezzari Esa has shared at https://github.com/savarin/pyconuk-introtutorial
Syntax tip:
– comma usage is matrix/2D list slicing
The Software Sustainability Institute
PyConUK afforded me a great oppportunity to converse with fellow technicians, including those working in HE. Carwyn, based at Bangor University, reminded me about the Software Sustainability Institute, based at the universities of Edinburgh, Manchester, Oxford and Southampton. Whose aim is to support better research by helping researchers to build and use better software.
Git stash
Still loving git stash.
Being able to split out and reapply change sets onto a fresh pull is very liberating. Trying out small changes or reapplying local settings, whilst easily keeping abreast with upstream changes can be essential when working with two or more other developers on the same code base.