Really excited about going to Cardiff tomorrow for DjangoCon Europe.
Accessible Bristol meetup
I finally made it along to one of Accessible Bristol’s monthly meetups. Léonie Watson gave a talk on Custom Interfaces with ARIA, HTML5, & JavaScript. I’m a big fan. An amazing woman.
Take home points for me:
- It’s easier to make your dynamic websites more widely accessible than you’d think
- Look in this testing tool:
- Don’t forget your accessibility tree – the DOM’s accessible cousin ;)
- Bootstrap and Ember are working hard to make their frameworks more accessible
- Look into ARIA support within SVGs
- Use aria-hidden class for non essential icons
- Web components and the benefits of extending HTML by extension
For more info check out Leonie’s website and the Coding like you give a damn presentation:
Where have you been all my life? ;)
Grep within .gz file without uncompressing it first. One of life’s small pleasures.
zgrep "search term" example.gz
strftime gotcha
It turns out in Python 2.7 datetime.strftime can’t handle dates before 1900. e.g.
ValueError: year=1066 is before 1900; the datetime strftime() methods require year >= 1900
Self-Contained Deployment (Rach Belaid)
Notes taken during a presentation given by Rach Belaid at PyConUK
1620 on Friday
Look up immutable server concept
Docker for devs and administration
Vagrant docker
He shows various ways to deploy the docker app
Supervisord used in docker to run many processes
Baby steps approach to moving to docker. Normally one container per process
Isolation / sandbox