I am lucky enough to be back at PyCon UK again this year, https://2018.pyconuk.org/. Lots of talks, workshops and there are sprints to follow. One of the most inclusive and friendly technical conferences I have ever attended, I am glad to be back again this year. I will be adding write ups for the sessions I attend here: https://asset.blogs.bris.ac.uk/tag/pyconuk2018/
Navigating the magical data visualisation forest
Speaker: Dr Margriet Groenendijk from IDM
Margriet is a tech enthusiast at IBM and gave a lightning talk at the Django Bristol Bath meetup as well.
Slides are online here: https://www.slideshare.net/PoleSystematicParisRegion/a-beginners-guide-to-weather-climate-data-margriet-groenendijk
This talk is about using Jupyter notebooks, https://jupyter.org/, for data analysis and visualisations.
NB: These can be run on the desktop and is available in the cloud as well.
Libraries Margriet has used:
- matplotlib with pandas.
- seaborn – https://seaborn.pydata.org/
- Bokeh
- Brunel
- PdVega
- Plot.ly
PixieDust package, https://github.com/pixiedust/pixiedust is an addon for Jupyter notebooks https://www.ibm.com/cloud/pixiedust
– is an open source package developed by David Taieb and Margriet Groenendijk. It is a a wrapper around various libraries, which turns into GUI options in the Jupyter notebook. This is an amazing useful tool for data scientist and others that would like to explore their data without learning as much code and the various differences between each library.
It can load pandas and spark data frames. It can also load data via URLs, very helpful for cloud based notebooks.
PixieDust provides a serious amount of options and less code for busy people or those exploring data or data science newbies.
seabourne has a nice map based visualisation.
PixieDust integrates with google, mapbox, and seaborne
PixieApps – https://dataplatform.cloud.ibm.com/docs/content/pixiedust/pixieapps.html
- can be used to build interactive apps in Jupyter. Who knew. For example making the visualisation of your data more interactive, e.g. change the column to map etc. Jinga 2 templates are used
- Can be published using a Pixiegate server, https://www.ibm.com/support/knowledgecenter/DSXDOC/pixiedust/pixiegateway.html – NB: A particular server you need access to. Also open source here: https://github.com/pixiedust/pixiegateway
The technical lead for PixieDust, David Taieb https://twitter.com/dtaieb55, has also published this book: Thoughtful Data Science – https://www.safaribooksonline.com/library/view/thoughtful-data-science/9781788839969/
Categorizing Tweets Using Machine Learning – Halide Bey
Code in this talk can be found here https://github.com/halidebey/PyCon2018
Speaker made use of this tool, Kaggle – https://www.kaggle.com/ – the place to do data science projects.
Speaker refers to this source of data
Discussed the approaches to machine learning
- supervised/non supervised
- Ignoring parts of your dataset
- interesting Python libraries – pandas – https://pypi.org/project/pandas/ and nltk – https://pypi.org/project/nltk/ sklearn (superseded by scikit-learn https://pypi.org/project/scikit-learn/)
- exploring data
Need some information about statistics and algorithms, a such as LogisticRegression.
Is it Shakespeare?
Using Python for authorship attribution in Renaissance drama
A lecturer, Paul Brown, and a student, Katie Jones, present their exploration of analysing old plays in an automated fashion.
The period of interest there are at least a 1/3 of which the authorship is unknown.
A source of early plays online is the Early Book Online tool, https://eebo.chadwyck.com/home
Not common to use their approach to examine the full canon of work. They turned to Python to look at the treatment of whore and prostitutes during the time period.
Getting the Edge with Network Analysis with Alan Nir
Today I am lucky enough to be attending PyCon UK 2018. I have chosen to get a brief introduction into network analysis.
Alan Nir is giving a high level intro into how network analysis can benefit your work/research. He is giving a brief introduction and no mathematics and algorithms will be introduced in this session.
My favourite line, a network in just a collection of points & lines.
Computer science use this terminology:
- points AKA nodes
- lines – AKA edges, lines
Alan’s demo and recommendation is to start with this Python library, NetworkX. A comprehensive Python library with a nice API and good documentation which the logic behind the functions. More information can be found here:
Alan created a demo of creating and visualising a network in only a few lines of Python.
You can input data in various formats including tuples, JSON, and pickles.
NB: Alan will share slides later, spoke rather quickly sadly I was sat too far away to read the projected screen
Examples shown where networks showing Karma cheaters & Eurovision nation voters.
Demo data was from a public payment platform based in the US, Venmo.
Question: Why does this platform exist? Why would you want to publicise your payments?
NB: The Speaker obfuscated the data, why as it is already in the public domain. I suppose reuse rights may be in question.